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Excellent Public APIs to Use in Your Next Application

For many web developers, discovering a comprehensive and intuitive API can be akin to striking oil. Below I have listed several first-rate APIs that I have used, along with several that I have tagged for future exploration. As a bonus, these APIs do not require a key or any additional...

A Primer on JavaScript’s Fetch API

Note: This introductory guide is designed for relatively new JavaScript users.

In this post, I will provide an overview of the Fetch API and demonstrate how to use the interface to execute a simple GET request. At a high level, the fetch() method enables JavaScript users to retrieve resources asynchronously.


Implement Chart.js In Your React Application Today

For those unfamiliar with this package, Chart.js is an excellent data visualization tool that is easily accessible to nascent React developers. I first encountered the library while building a cryptocurrency trading simulator. In my application, I utilized Chart.js in order to provide aspiring traders with graphs of historical price data....

How to Start Using Semantic to Style React Applications

I had been meaning to explore the Semantic framework, and last week a React project provided the perfect opportunity to delve into the styling tools. In the past, I had utilized Bootstrap to polish a Rails application, but I was struck by the relatively painless start-up, intuitive syntax, and clean...

Ruby Randomness

“We know that there is no such thing as a pure random draw, for the outcome of the draw depends on the quality of the equipment.” — Nassim Taleb

Ever since reading Nassim Taleb’s Fooled By Randomness, I have tried to be wary of my day-to-day dealings with probability....